Welcome to CATS Nepal !
Dear Friends
CATS was born from a vision of the local church in Ghorahi, Dang in the southern Mid-west region of Nepal. It works for the Church, with the Church and through the Church to share the love of God and to be effective witness among the people here. We believe that the local churh is the catalist for God’s trasforming agent for Nepali society. It also believes that the church should be holistic, aiming to reach the spiritual, physical and social needs of people. CATS desires to see a transformed society where people’s attitude are changed so that they have heart to love & care for others, help poor, and do good in their communities. CATS registered as an official no government organization in Dang district administration office and the social welfare council in Kathmandu in April 2004.
We built the capacity of local churches throug the partnership process. The local church is a vital part of a community, here we use community it means that the church community. Local churches will impliment the program for their congrigation and with the participation of congrigation they will show their love to their neighbors so that people may see the love of God in Jesus Christ. There are around 40 churches in Dang valley and more than 30 churches in Rolpa and 30 Churches in Surkhet. More opportunity to work with them and even though they are poor[mettaatially] but they are open to share their resources to be a effective witness of the Lord in their community.
Ghorahi, where CATS main office is situated, takes around 10 hours by bus from the capital city of Nepal. It was one of the main conflict areas during the 10 year civil war in Nepal. Access to toilet facilities, safe drinking water, good nutrition and/or affordable health facilities is limited, basic health awareness is very low and the death/illness rate from infectious & preventable diseases is high. The increasing population and gradual breakdown of traditional social structures has caused an increase in social and environmental problems.
It is more difficult to work in the town area than in the village area. People in the town area are richer, but have poor attitudes and are less willing to cooperate with others. Government representation is also less. Most of the communities are showing some interest in keeping their communities clean but some still don’t want to cooperate and be involved. There is a big gap between the few rich and many poor people.
During the last fiscal year, CATS has continued to run four programmes: Community transformation [capacity building of local community [church], Education and TB patient hostel. CATS is especially working with poor and helpless, marginalized people, single women who have no power up to upper level. These people are receiving opportunities for saving and credit through income generation programme to uplift them economically. Awareness is raised in schools and communities about keeping the environment clean, personal health and hygiene. Disadvantaged children are receiving opportunities to continue their education through scholarship provision for public schools. Community people are cooperating in tree plantation. Poor and helpless TB patients are getting good accommodation, treatment and quality care. Most of the TB patients are cured from TB. Children are getting the opportunity to learn good values and to be practically involved with the communities by cleaning the streets.
I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to consider this proposal. Your support will go a long way to assisting the Church in its integral mission.
Yours Sincerely
Jeewan Gurung
Chair Person, CATS Nepal
Vision, Mission and Strategy
परिकल्पना (Vision):
“Transformed society where people live in harmony with God, each other and the environment and where justice, peace and equal respect prevail.”
“रुपान्तरित् समाज जहाँ मानिसहरु परमेश्वर र एकअर्कासँग सुमधुर सम्बन्धमा रही वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्दै परमेश्वरको प्रेमद्वारा न्याय, शान्ति र ससम्मानको अनुभूति गर्दछन्।“
- To encourage and strengthen local churches to fulfill its mission wholistically [to address the interlinked spiritual, physical and social need of a person].
- To demonstrate God’s love in words and deeds especially to the poor and marginalized.
- To encourage, empower and raise awareness in the communities to bring positive change in their communities and to keep the environment sound.
Strategies: To bring the wholistic development of a person in the community and to keep environment sound CATS Nepal works through:
- Direct implementation
- Empowering the local churches.
- Partnership with government and community groups or organizations.
Aim ad Objectives:
To recognize the present and ongoing problems of society and help to deal with those needs.
To help meet the interlinked spiritual, physical and social needs of people.
To recognize and find out the root causes of poverty and take steps to deal with them.
To raise awareness in society about the importance of development issues such as health, education, environment, agriculture etc., and to help the local society to be involved in activities for improvement in each area.
To facilitate changes in people’s attitude and moral character so that they will do well in society and peace will be built.
To care for people who are not cared for and need to e cared for.
To raise, built up and help the helpless people in society.
To work against partiality in the issues of cast, gender, wealth etc.
To empower the local churches to be wholistic in their vision and ativities.